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Rapist Pierre Pierce gets the Death Penalty

Rapist Pierre Pierce's day of reckoning has finally arrived, he has received the Hawkeye Death Penalty, he was kicked off the University of Iowa basketball team. Once again, rapist Pierce is under investigation for heinous crimes including sexual assault, burglary, and kidnapping. Apparently he has admitted to these acts but claims he committed no crime because the victim is his girlfriend and he can do whatever he likes because he is a basketball star.
Basketball coach Steve Alford said "I regret this step has become necessary, but Pierre has betrayed the trust we placed in him when he was given a second chance two years ago." University of Iowa President David Skorton said, "Coach Steve Alford, athletic director Bob Bowlsby and I agree that it was time to take decisive action by removing Mr. Pierce from the basketball team permanently. We agree that Mr. Pierce has violated the standards of behavior that we expect and demand from all of our student athletes." But rapist Pierce has not been expelled from the university; the status of his basketball scholarship is unclear, but I suspect it cannot be revoked. The University has no policy on criminal activities by student athletes.
It appears that the University of Iowa is finally learning that rapist Pierce and all the other criminal thug athletes bring dishonor upon the sports program and the University. But it took repeat offenses of egregious crimes before the University would act, apparently a single incident of rape was insufficient reason to take action. Perhaps Coach Alford should think twice before giving a second chance to the next criminal thug.
It is usually the policy of the University to close ranks around their star athletes, to attack the victims and discredit them, and to handle punishment internally (like requiring the athlete thugs to run extra laps). So the full extent of rapist Pierce's crimes must be far worse than has been disclosed. I am eagerly anticipating rapist Pierce's upcoming career on the Anamosa State basketball team.


I never heard Pierre Pierce say that he can do whatever he wants just because he is a basketball star. All of this is just speculation, no charges have been filed yet. And for the record the word "heinous" is usually reserved for murder cases. Your extremely close minded in calling all athletes "thugs," just because of Mr. Pierce's actions.

Apparently you missed rapist Pierce's press release, he said the incident was just a fight with his woman and that it had to be understood in the proper context. That context is his basketball stardom, since the press release is packed with threats to sue the University if they don't reinstate him to the team, and if not, he'll go to some other school, or he'll go pro and play in the NBA. It's all about his stardom, not the crimes he committed.

Please tell me where I said ALL athletes are thugs. When I refer to "other thug athletes" I am referring to athletes who have committed crimes, for example, the 7 criminals on the 2003 Iowa Football Team.

I personally know what happened that night. I was Pierce's roommate at MPCF. He is a good person, who made some bad decisions... He let his heart override his judgement, that's it. I'm sure it's easy for you to sit back and critisize someone who you don't know, and take to heart what you read in the papers

[I am hardly likely to be swayed by the opinions of Rapist Pierce's cellmate. --Charles]

How many times does that guy get a break? I am disgusted with the way athletes get away with assault, rape and murder. And still SOMEONE will hire him to come to a town full of unsuspecting women to play basketball.

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