Purple Postage

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I had to buy some stamps at the local US Post Office branch, but I'm sick and tired of flag stamps. I asked the clerk for something neutral and without flags. This has been a perilous request in times past, I recall reading one article about how a publisher of a pro-Palestinian newsletter was interrogated by the Police merely for asking about stamps without US flags. But the clerk knew exactly what I wanted, something that symbolizes the sacrifices people were forced to make under that flag.

Purple Heart Stamp

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Did you know that they don't even give those anymore? Today, if you get a purple heart, it's a lousy purple colored ribbon. I'm sorry, but if someone takes a bullet for their country, the least you can do is give them a little medal for it, not some lousy piece of nylon. Stop spending $12,000 on toilet seats and there's plenty of money for it.

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