BlogTV: Please Test This Video and Leave a Comment

I am testing a new method for presenting videos on this website, and I need users to test it on PCs, to insure compatibility. This new method will allow me to put up a "poster frame" with an image from the video, so you get a little preview of what the video is about. This should make a much prettier website, but I have had some problems with Windows compatibiity, so I would especially like to hear from PC users. Note that you must have QuickTime 6 installed to see the video. Comments are up and running, so even if you've been discouraged in the past by my disabled comments, they will work now. If the video fails to launch, leave a brief comment about what you see, and I will be better able to debug any problems.

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It works fine in 6.5.

I saw Masa aki and his tops. That is a very interesting piece of work you present. Thank You for sharing it. It had no problem loading and running perfectly in 6.5
I found your blog while searching ""
I am watching a webcam,
Are you affiliated any way with it? I am curious as to it's location and owner. I'd love to take a drive down and see it befor it is occupied. I call it 'The Castle in the Desert'.
I chopped the URL for privacy just incase the cam owner isnt aware of the open status of the cam. What a gig that would be, watching homes being built as advertisement for the contractors...
You can set me up an account at the rate of [TEN PERCENT] 10% of each home built using my idea. *wink* ..... Good as a handshake alright?
What the heck, we're just a couple of people chasing the American Dream.

I'm not affiliated with any other sites, it's just a domain offered by for free DNS registration. I suppose I should buy a real domain name someday.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Charles published on March 24, 2005 7:53 PM.

Stereoscopic Computer Graphics Circa 1992 was the previous entry in this blog.

A Poem by Charles, Age 10 is the next entry in this blog.

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