Wacky Cars


I keep finding funny little bits of ephemera as I'm cleaning up this place. These stickers came in packs of bubble gum, probably sometime in the late 1960s or early 70s.


Anyone remember what these were called?

[They were called "Odd Rods." The stickers came in a pack with a big slab of bublegum. --Charles]

Yes, Odd Rods. I had hundreds of them. I still have most of them. I wish they still made them. My cousin and I use to sit and draw these as closely as we could. It was a lot of fun. Good memories.

Hey, You jst made my day a whole lot better> I have been trying to find one of these for the past 10 years. I used to draw these as a child and lost my sketch book. Does anyone know where to buy these or who may have the stickers?
I am willing to purchase them.

[I don't know. Look at the link in the comment above, "Odd Rods." That would be a good place to start. --Charles]

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