Hawkeye Rapist Pierre Pierce Pleads Guilty

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Notorious Hawkeye Rapist Pierre Pierce has finally come to justice, and pleaded guilty to multiple felonies, including burglary, attempted rape, and kidnapping. Rapist Pierce avoided a prison sentence during his last trial for rape, but a career criminal like Rapist Pierce cannot evade justice forever. Today, his day of retribution is at hand.

Rapist Pierre Pierce Mug Shot

Iowa Assistant Attorney General Patricia Houlihan said she will ask the court to sentence Rapist Pierce to the longest possible prison sentence of four years. It is likely that Rapist Pierce will receive the stiffest possible prison sentence, in light of his his long criminal history, and willful violation of previous court orders to avoid contact with the victim of his heinous crimes. The citizens of Iowa deserve protection from Rapist Pierce's repeated crime sprees, the only way to protect the public is by locking him up and throwing away the key.

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