A Really Great Bad Day

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A few days ago, I got a frantic email message from a programmer and blogger I know. She mass-mailed her whole circle of friends with a desperate message, something like "The crossbeam's gone out of skew on the treadle, and it will take several days of work to get the server back working again! I won't be able to answer email until I get this solved! I am having a REALLY BAD DAY!"
You have got to be kidding me, a bad day? Surely this is the sort of technical challenge that some people live for. It is all a matter of perspective. This is when you get to show your true mettle, solving a technical problem that few other people could understand, let alone solve. It should be a great day!

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This page contains a single entry by Charles published on December 3, 2005 11:42 PM.

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